© Kit Constable Maxwell

Chapter 3.


The story of mankind's spiritual awakening, and of the part we play in it.
© Kit Constable Maxwell


People weren't created - they evolved. The evolution of early quadrupeds, like the lemurs, gibbons and monkeys into the species we now call apes was a slow process of change which challenges our scientific skills to identify the different evolving stages. At 30m years ago Pliopithecus was credited with having started the genetic drift into the mammalian sub species. Ramapithecus, at 14m years ago, was unmistakably hominid yet still undoubtedly ape. Sometimes he would walk on two legs in pursuit of his vegetarian diet; more often he was on four, like gorillas to this day.

Another 12m years of evolutionary change passed before Australopithecus Africanus emerged, the 'Southern Ape of Africa'. He was still developing the distinctive hominoid stance of a biped, as can be seen from the fossilised bones of the period , and beginning to use his hands to fashion crude stone tools for use in clubbing and striking. His diet now included meat, a highly concentrated supply of protein, and the time spent prospecting for food was therefore reduced.

       Pliopithecus     Ramapithecus       A/Africanus,       Homo Sapiens,      Neanderthal,        Cro Magnon               30m                 14m    (Lucy,3.2m)5     1.5m                     0.6m                      110k                      38k

Pliopithecus to Cro Magnon. The great 30 million-year trek of mankind.
5An Australopithecus Afarensis fossil dubbed 'Lucy' dating from 3.2m
years ago, is the one link that bridges this long evolutionary gap.

It then took a further 1m years for the next stage to appear, the now fully omnivorous Homo Erectus, who lived around 1.5m years ago, and who was not, of course, the first erect member of the species. His development revealed a continuing humanising of physical appearance and social structures. This stage then slowly evolved into the slightly more refined Homo Sapiens, with his larger brain and lighter skull. Peking Man, 600,000 BC, was the classifying discovery of this age, and is generally credited with exploiting the domestic potential of fire.

Neanderthal Man was the next development of the pre-humans, from about 110,000 years ago, and his many fossil remains reveal a primitive but socially ordered genre using fire regularly, an element still untamed by any other species. The powerful and stocky Neanderthals inhabited Europe and Asia from the Atlantic to the Hindu Kush. This widely distributed hunter gatherer was smaller than modern man, but boasted a bigger brain. Camp fires, cave dwellings and hunting tools all tell of a developing social structure that was so much a feature of man's early separation from his ape cousins. Art and culture were undeveloped, however, and Neanderthals had yet to develop a vocabulary.

Neanderthal child's grave, 70,000 BC, reconstructed
as unearthed. Natural History Museum.

Neanderthal man was not renowned for his prowess as a hunter - he does not appear to have been much more than an itinerant scavenger - nor even for his roving nature; he didn't trade with his neighbours, and his stone tools seldom came from more than 30 miles from the sites where they were discovered. What was remarkable about him was that he, alone among the protohumans, developed the profoundly original ethic of care for the elderly, and even more profound than this, burial of the dead. This is one of the very first signs we have of the growing awareness of early mankind as he separated further and further from his instinctive animal heritage.

From time immemorial monkeys, apes and hominids had, in common with every other life form on earth, abandoned their sick and dying and deserted their dead. A migrant troupe couldn't accommodate the lame, injured or elderly in their daily struggle for survival. Association with the dead served no biological or evolutionary function, and therefore played no part in the daily routine of life.

Concern for the dead, therefore, was an enormous step forward in that it revealed for the first time in 30 million years the earliest signs of a developing intellect. The intellect is the mental faculty that processes abstract thoughts, like "who made me?". Until this time life had been governed, very satisfactorily, by instinct alone. And instincts, passed through inherited genes, served solely the demands of procreation and survival, nothing else.

Neanderthal's unprecedented step for mankind was short lived, however. Despite his great brain, his intelligence remained stubbornly timelocked and he developed little in his 60,000 years. The old stone tools he'd inherited from Homo Sapiens were still in use at the end. He'd never thought of binding a flint to a short stake and inventing the world's first hatchet. And a bow would have been way beyond him. He never managed to think of making a needle, so his clothes would have been poor protection from his ice age environment. The evidence suggests he never built a boat, and in 60,000 years never found a way of crossing the 8 mile straits of Gibraltar from his chilly Iberian homeland to the warm and fertile plains of North Africa.

By 40,000 BC Neanderthal's run was almost over. The receding ice age and the rapid spread of a new hominid species from Africa probably took the Neanderthals by surprise and placed them firmly on the endangered species list.

The new species probably sprang from the Africanus stock of 2m years before, and was not merely a parallel species but a very different animal springing from a much earlier divergence of the family tree of mankind. Cro-Magnon, thus named (after the Dordogne site where he was first found) was a different size, different shape, different weight. He is described as 'modern man' in the respect that very little visible change has occurred in the human physique since he appeared in our evolutionary heritage some 38,000 years ago.

Neanderthal's primitive facial expression, short stature, and hairy, muscular stance probably did little to encourage cohabitation with the newcomers; or perhaps, as palaeontologists now believe, the Neanderthal gestation period was not nine but twelve months duration - which would have generally ruled against the birth of Neanderthal/Cro Magnon hybrids.

Both species were now omnivorous, but Cro-Magnon's superiority rapidly revealed itself in his high specification spears fitted with shaped and barbed flint tips. This would have given him a huge advantage over the lumbering Neanderthals with their crude hand-held rocks. Their refined hunting skills and their appetite for meat, even Neanderthal meat, may well have contributed to Neanderthal's rapid extinction.

The Neanderthal period marked in many ways the end of primitive man, as the newcomers bore no resemblance to the thickset cousins they displaced. They walked upright, wore fitted clothes and developed rapidly changing skills to meet their changing needs; needles for stitching, fish hooks and nets for fishing, sophisticated and finely worked stone tools for striking, cutting and slicing.

Cro-Magnon flourished, proliferated and colonised the green and fertile land mass of Europe and Asia, now burgeoning again after centuries of permafrost. Great herds of grazing animals became walking game larders to the many following troupes, just as the Lapps' working relationship with migrating herds of reindeer continue this resourceful tradition up to the present day.

This period is described by anthropologists as the Great Leap Forward, a period of rapid learning and escalating human achievement. Neither do we know why it took so long for mankind to develop intellect and intelligence, nor do we know what triggered this sudden burst of mental activity, with the arrival of original and creative art that has continued largely unabated to the present day.

The dissemination of information may have been the one Giant Step that enabled mankind to energise the inexplicable miracle of the mammalian brain, an organ of apparently boundless potential and a limitless appetite for development. The prime mental functions of modern mankind are fourfold:

    learn...          think...       reason...      communicate...

Any one of these on its own is of limited value, but all four together trigger a rapid exchange of knowledge throughout the world of mankind. Within these functions lie the seeds of change from our apish ancestry to the doorway of human potential.

The greatest single development of the day lay in communication and the development of speech. Neanderthals didn't vocalise more than a few sounds, and like their ape contemporaries these would be restricted to grunted warnings of predators or adversaries, or humming cadences of pleasure at finding ripe food. Cro Magnons, on the other hand, now hunting in co-ordinated family groups, needed to discuss, plan and implement their hunt strategy for the minimum expenditure of effort with the maximum (edible) reward. This demanded the development of a vocabulary, and more, the ability to vocalise it. This was a task which no other animal has come near to matching, although some ape troupes have recognisably different sounds for different alarms; warnings of eagles, snakes or leopards all invoke different sounds at which the troupe will all look up, look down or look out.

Early cave paintings were probably simple aids to communication too, which in the fullness of time would lead to the many early forms of communication, such as:

Pictographs, Chinese, 6,000 BC
Hieroglyphics, Egyptian, from 3,500 BC
Cuneiform, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, 3,500 BC.

Ancient Egyptian inscription on the door
of a priest's tomb, 2,500 BC

Cave paintings, recording a visible spectrum of beasts and men, soon adapted to express the artists' creative whims. The stylised outlines, subtle shading and structured compositions in caves like Chauvet in the Ardèche, provisionally dated to over 30,000 years ago, reveal a highly developed expertise for the time. This newly discovered creative freedom heralded one more momentous step in the rise of mankind where biologically valueless sentiment revealed itself in unique adaptations of visible phenomena. Here we may observe the formulating intellect processing abstract ideas, giving proof of the developing functions of thought and imagination.

Chauvet, only discovered in 1994, was followed by many other cave decorations which include notably, Lascaux in the Dordogne, around 17,000 years old, and Altamira in Spain, 16,000 years old. Cave art continued right up to the Neolithic (late stone age) period, from 8,000 BC, appearing as far afield as Asia Minor and North Africa.

On a recent trip in central Sahara I examined many early Neolithic cave paintings and engravings. In the Tassili plateau of the Hoggar mountains I searched through a labyrinth of caves eroded by torrential flood waters, released by centuries of melting ice-age glaciers. The rocks were shaped into hollows, whirlpools and caves where these stone age tribespeople had taken shelter. Their pictures give a vivid portrait of our ancestors' early life on the great plains of North Africa.


Man with a feline head - one of the oldest works of art in the world.
This strange figure from Hohlenstein Stadel, in Germany,is over
34,000 years old. Artist's reconstruction from original photographs

One of the earliest examples of the adaptation of visible objects into the artist's original interpretation is the extraordinary figure from Hohlenstein Stadel in Germany. Dating to over 34,000 years ago this ivory statuette portrays a man's body, which is remarkable enough for the period, and quite a dextrous achievement using just stone tools.

But the artist has chosen to cap his figure with, not a human, but a feline head. The whole concept of this work from planning to completion must have fully engaged this primitive artist's developing imagination. Was it symbolic, was it a deity, was it an icon? We don't know, but its place in history marks one of the very earliest examples of the exciting new intellectual processes that were beginning to emerge in mankind at that time.

This new-found freedom from the bonds of instinct-driven responses, the mental capacity to think and imagine, triggered a new development. This was the rise of superstition, which may be described as the belief in intellectual input activating material change. From here it would have been only a short step to the birth of religion and the deification of symbolic and heroic archetypes.

One of the first cult symbols to become widespread was that of the Great Mother, now popularly known as Gaia, the voluptuous, broad hipped symbol of earthly abundance and fertility. Carvings of Gaia became known in the Gravettian period from 22,000 years ago and include such memorable statuettes as the 'Venus of Lespugue', and the 'Laussel Goddess with Horn', both from Dordogne. Early humans probably didn't relate the birth of a child to the sex act of nine months earlier - to them the arrival of another member of the troupe must have been viewed as an unsolicited gift of nature. These carvings of an image of fertility may have served a superstitious whim to encourage tribal fecundity.

All religions start off as cults, and the Gaia following would have laid the foundations of religion, as the awakening power of mankind's developing soul steered him into ever more complex rites, rituals and abstract beliefs. Where on this long evolutionary journey did mankind's developing brain support the intellectual weight of a psyche? This unquantifiable inner fire is the energy that now defines humanity and has motivated every generation since instinctive behaviour gave way to the thoughtful deliberation of considered actions such a relatively short time ago. This spiritual development of the psyche is the finest and greatest achievement of evolution, where the life and death cycle of mammalian history has developed into the life and rebirth ethic that cradles modern thinking.

Goddess with Horn', Laussel, Dordogne.
Carved in stone with stone tools around 20,000 BC

The birth of humour marks another curious stage in the development of intelligence. Humour serves no purpose in the slow awakening of awareness, yet a sense of humour is a valued commodity in today's socially structured world.

Mickey, a monkey in London Zoo was seen recently to move slowly across his enclosure. I watched him climb his wire cage with theatrical precision, and when he had a small audience of intrigued visitors he suddenly directed a burst of urine into their midst. Thereupon he raced off around his enclosure fairly shrieking with delight and grinning with impish pleasure! All animals will play, but a contrived sense of humour is a much more serious development....

Romantic love is another pointer to evolutionary change. The instinct for survival demanded no romantic preliminaries to sexual encounter, although some elaborate courtships have developed, particularly in the bird world. The love-sex ethic of modern mankind has no animal precedent and no parallel. Infidelity is rife in the animal world even if some species do pair off for life, and speaks of the power games between competing males and the selective instincts of broody females - generally nothing more complex that the joy of sex. Fighting males seldom use the real weapons available to them, horns, jaws and claws, in their ritual fights. Crocodiles, which date to the reptilian era that preceded dinosaurs, over 200m years ago, would be capable of tearing each other limb from limb, but their spectacular fights always end by mutual agreement, with the loser clacking his huge jaws in a sign of submission, and the victor repeating the signal by way of acknowledgement.

It was the development of feeling that first fired the fuel of human passions. Human love now goes further, and arouses such powerful passions as to provoke behavioural extremes like suicide, murder and war. These are irrationally powerful experiences of a sentiment that has only just awoken in our evolutionary history, and we are left wondering what evolving purpose this time-locked development serves.

Early social groups began to think searching thoughts about their experience of life, and many myths and legends arose to explain the nature and purpose of mankind's creation. But science tell us we were not created, we evolved through recognisable steps, along with other species, to meet our changing needs. Throughout this period the Cro Magnons continued to assimilate new information and grow rapidly in intellectual, emotional and spiritual awareness. By 15,000 years B.C. their art and sculpture was widespread and indicative of their escalating creative development.

By 11,000 years ago, as the last ice age gave way to new beginnings, the settlement of Jericho was becoming established on the fertile banks of the River Jordan. A hybrid grass had established here - a fortuitous freak spawned by the prolific flowering that accompanied the rising temperature across all of Europe and Asia. This was to prove to be mankind's first domestic grain crop. The Jericho settlers flocked to reap the annual wild harvest while failing, initially, to understand the principles of agricultural husbandry.

Jericho presided over the birth of agriculture, and its early establishment, based upon the chance flowering of a wild seed crop, set humans on a new course of social development. The Neolithic (post stone-age) tribes and hunter gatherer cults now gave way to village settlements, following the subsequent rise of agriculture - and the foundation stones of Western society were firmly laid.

In the world of culture ever more sophisticated artefacts exhibit humans' developing artistic achievements. The use of colour, design and decoration in pottery (from Jericho around 8,000 years ago), and paintings, and the proliferation of engravings and carvings show new images which tell of gods, warriors and kings, and symbols of study and learning, like astrology and the written word from the Sumerians.

Then the wheel was invented, in Southern Russia, a mere 5,000 years ago. A flood of wheeled technology followed, with pulleys, axles, mill wheels, carts and chariots all appearing rapidly in every part of the settled world. The major development of writing heralded a new phase in human communication, one that was to trigger the rapid escalation of education and learning throughout the changing world of the new astrological age. The knowledge gained by the few could now be communicated to the many, even after their lifetime, and so were laid the building blocks of knowledge that continue to grow to this day. Mankind was now developing a soul and thereby awakening an artistic and creative potential. With these gifts came the opportunity for self awareness that lie at the root of spiritual enlightenment.

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Table of Contents - click on any chapter to open it
Prologue                   Click here...
Space and Matter
Evolution of Life
Birth of Awareness This page
Spiritual Goals
Evolution and Astrology
Astrology and Fate
Light, Love and Feeling
Primal Scream
World Religions
Ethics of Caring
Thought Conditioning
Miracles and Prayer
Shadow and the Unconscious
Journey in Spirit
Pantheism and Matter
Appendix I
Glossary of Terms
Appendix II
Appendix III